Understanding and Incorporating Data Simulation into the Research Pipeline: A Practical Guide for the Novice Simulator

Image credit: Unsplash


This workshop introduces researchers to data simulation methods in psychological research. Methodologists frequently rely on simulation experiments to create tools and make recommendations for research practices aimed at improving psychological science. Yet, empirical researchers often have little experience in, or knowledge of, data simulation techniques, which create barriers to critically assessing simulation results and effectively using simulation-based tools. We seek to lower these barriers in this workshop. The first half of the workshop will introduce the concept of Monte Carlo simulations, why and when they should be used, and how to interpret results from simulation studies. Attendees will be acquainted with pwrSEM, an open-source simulation-based application for power estimation, and learn how it can be flexibly adapted for their individual research programs. The second half will guide attendees through simulating data for various research purposes using the SimDesign package in R. This section will provide hands-on experience with constructing and interpreting a completely customized simulation study. The proposed workshop offers theoretical background, practical tools, and applied experience with simulation methods to improve attendees’ literacy and skills in quantitative methodology for psychological research.

Jun 23, 2021 12:00 AM — 12:00 AM

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Udi Alter
Udi Alter
PhD Student in Quantitative Methodology

My research interests include